
Dear Friend,
A few months ago, I found myself in a situation that I would never have imagined. Without going into too much detail, at the young age of eighteen, I found myself pregnant. As you can imagine, I was panic-stricken, absolutely terrified. I did not know where to turn. I felt that my only option was to end the pregnancy.  I cried all day and all night!

I decided to disclose my condition to a Rabbi our family was close with. I felt I could trust him with this heavy secret He connected me to Embrace a Jewish Child. They empathized with me and most important to me they were not judgmental. They implored me to wait before I rushed into an abortion. They begged me to realize that I was carrying a Jewish soul, a Jewish child,
and informed me that there was an alternative to abortion. Embrace a Jewish Child could help me find Jewish couples that would raise my child as their own. I was assured that I could have a say in choosing the adoptive parents. In the beginning, I could not even hear of it!  But after some time, I was able to consider the idea. I knew that I could not parent. And killing the life growing inside of me was no longer an option for me either.  So I requested more information.

Looking back, I can only say that the devoted team did not leave my side. I was able to maintain my dignity and I was provided with the comfort and support that I so desperately needed. Most of all, I chose a wonderful couple. After meeting them, I felt that a huge rock was lifted off my chest. I just knew, with a piercing clarity, that these were individuals that I could trust with the baby I was carrying. Today, my biggest source of comfort comes from knowing that I have given this wonderful couple a tremendous gift that will transform their lives and help them become a family.
- Judy